Group Purpose
20 The Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977 and the Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 19966 require employers to consult trade union safety representatives, other employee representatives, or employees where there are no representatives, about health and safety matters. This includes changes to work that may affect their health and safety at work, arrangements for getting competent help, information on the risks and controls, and planning of health and safety training.
6Consulting employees on health and safety: A brief guide to the law Leaflet
INDG232(rev2) HSE Books 2013
Water Group
Why are these notes important to us as a group?
The ACoP has 11 of these small notes and its Guidance documents HSG 274 parts 1-3 and HSG282 combined have a staggering 73 notes or reference notes when the ACoP L8 has only 86 notes.
80 Hot and cold water systems should be designed and constructed so they:
(a) take account of and comply with the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 199911 and the Scottish Water Byelaws (see;
(b) aid safe operation (e.g. without deadlegs, or if this is not possible, limit the length of deadlegs limited and disconnect or remove redundant or non-essential standby plant);
(c) reduce stored cold water to the minimum needed to meet peak needs;
(d) aid cleaning and disinfection (e.g. by providing suitable access points in the system);
(e) minimise heat gain/loss (e.g. hot and cold water pipes and storage tanks should be insulated).
Group Ambition
To share knowledge and improve the standards as a common platform as we need the experience and professionalism of all involved.
- Elimination
- Key to elimination will be to ensure projects undertaken by or managed by Sodexo project teams are undertaking installed under building regulations G & H and associated Guidance CIBSE G.
- Prevention
- All planned PPM needs will follow ACoP L8 v4 2013 guidance by following manufacturers guidance and BS8558 needs
- Control
- In line with HTM 04.01 best practice needs of ACoP L8 guidance HSG 274 by following table contents 2.1 in addition to the prevention needs applied
- Admin
- Clear log of all PPM and repairs works will be maintained and trending reports issued to the appointed SAFETY/WSG to ensure timely intervention
- The use of POU filters, TMV's and ensuring staff are trained to NWH and SHEA Water levels of water hygiene will be undertaken and expected of all Sub-contractors